Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, President, Commander in chief, Armed forces of Nigeria, Aso villa Abuja. Sir, RE.. Jalal Arabi, member of Buhari”s cabal….

While we commend you over the choice of our son Mr Jalal Arabi as the chairman of the National Hajj Commission ( NAHCON ), we want to draw your attention to the plan by some insiders in your administration who are wolf’s in animal form.

Jalal Arabi is our bonafide son who has over time made our region proud and we appreciate that. Mr President, the main man plotting against the NAHCON chairman is from the Northeast whose negative antecedents is on record.

We took this challenge to intimate you because of your good intentions from the northeast. In the first place, Jalal Arabi was a state House counsel appointed as a professional lawyer and later rose to become a permanent secretary base on performance and merit. How then did he become a cabal?

The appreciation of his hardwork got him moved to a sensitive ministry like the humanitarian affairs ministry. We in the confirmed fifty northeast progressive coalition made up of intellectuals and professionals hereby call on you to disregard their selfish calls for Jalal Arabi’s removal as NAHCON chairman. He has not done anything wrong in the handling of the 2024 Hajj operation. We affirm our support to him and implore you to trust him and allow him continue.

Mr President sir, even you as the number 1 man in the country has never been free from unjustified criticisms. Some bad eggs within your administration are bent on destroying your administration for no cause.

Mr Jalal Arabi is a reputable Nigerian with integrity who has never been found wanting. Mr President sir,a top operative in one of the anti graft agencies who wanted to be Nahcon chairman but failed to get it is also behind the travails of Jalal Arabi. We assure your administration of our support and cooperation.

Thank you sir and God bless. Yusuf Jalingo Chairman, Zainab Funa Kaye Secretary for Northeast Progressive Coalitiom, NEPC.

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