By Kadijat Jakande 

They say, seeing is believing yes it is true. This were the words of Hajia Kadijat Jakande, an international caterer who was among the caterers that provided catering services in the 2024 Muslim pilgrimage at the holy land. 

Against some criticisms coming from some top elected political office holders, Hajia Kadijat emphasised that the national hajj commission under Alhaji Jalal Arabi tried in no small way alongside the chief operating officer Mr Olanrewaju Elegushi  and commissioners of the national hajj commission. 

It is on record that NAHCON creditably performed well in Madina and Minna which were its major purview and sole responsibility same way the state pilgrims board took care of accomodation and feeding of their state pilgrims.

 The chairman of the National Hajj Commission Mr Jalal Arabi and the chief operating officer Mr Olanrewaju Elegushi deserve commendation as all that was expected of them was delivered. Normally, it is not everyone that is expected to be satisfied with someone, and that I believed made some top echelons of some states to be making some negative comments devoid of facts and reasonings failing to hold their state officials responsible for some hitches and failures. 

The NAHCON Chairman also a former federal permanent secretary incharge of state house and humanitarian affairs ministry is a trained lawyer who has clean records of service having also served as state House counsel. This is a man I know too well and can attest to his character.Nahcon in Saudia ensured that they visited hospitals and prison yards to settle medical bills of wounded pilgrims and also secure the release of pilgrims mistakenly taken to prison maybe out of ignorance.

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