Victoria Mgbanwa

In celebration of this year’s Children’s Day, INEMO Foundation has emphasized the  need to uphold the rights of children in Nigeria.

The Foundation is proudly championing  the theme of this year’s  children day celebration”For Every Child, Every Right.” 

The theme underscores the importance of  ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, is granted the fundamental human rights they deserve.

The Co-founder of INEMO Foundation Madam Sophia Adeosun said “At the forefront of our advocacy are the critical provisions of food, water, and education , which are  essential rights that lay the foundation for a healthy, fulfilling, and empowered life.

INEMO Foundation also urged government to ensure that all children have access to food and water, which is the foundation of life.

“Access to nutritious food and clean water is a basic human right. Yet, millions of children worldwide still suffer from malnutrition and lack safe drinking water. These deficits not only threaten their immediate survival but also impede their physical and cognitive development, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and deprivation”, he said.

INEMO Foundation said the  Federal government has really been lagging behind in  terms of  quality healthcare care system.

 “The children are the leaders of tomorrow. If they  all die due to bad healthcare system who will be the  leader in the future? The government need to do better in prioritising  children wellbeing”, she said.

The Founder noted that Education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering a more equitable society. 

“Every child has the right to quality education that equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal development and societal contribution. However, barriers such as inadequate resources, gender discrimination, and political instability often deprive children of this right.

“With the current economic hardship in Nigeria, many parents find it difficult to pay for their children’s tuition fee. Schools are meant to be affordable not just for the privileged, but also for the less privileged ones. This change should not just reflect at the federal level, but also be at the sub-national level.

Inemo Foundation is committed to tackling this issue head-on through various programs designed to provide sustainable food and water sources to communities in need.

” By working with local partners, we ensure that children receive the nourishment they require to grow, learn, and thrive. This Children’s Day, we call on governments, organizations, and individuals to join us in our mission to end hunger and ensure clean water for every child”, the Co-founder said.

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